Last week I turned 29 years old. It is hard to believe that I am starting the last year of my twenties. I have never been one of those people who gets anxious about getting older. In fact, I still feel as young as I did when I graduated high school...well, maybe college. Either way, I don't feel as though I am old enough to be 29!
I think that part of what keeps me feeling young is my job. I work on a college campus and have daily interaction with students so for the most part I find it pretty easy to not feel "old". I am in on the latest pop culture (writing that makes me sound like I am 82!) and I know odd little phrases like "tots presh" (totally precious). I feel pretty good about my age, with the exception of when I hear that they were born in a different decade than me...that makes me realize that I am older than them, but still not in a bad way. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind my age at all and I would NEVER go back to do it over again. It is nice that my job helps to keep me feeling this way.
There are some downsides to this however. The one area of my life where I wish I felt or seemed older than I do is when it comes to being a mom. I don't feel old enough to be a mom; how can I possibly have a son who is almost 18 months old!?! The two times in my life where I feel like this is rubbed in my face is at the baby sitter's house and at church. I know I need to just quit thinking/worrying about what others think of me. In reality, they probably don't pay too much attention to what I am doing (I really do know that in my head), but I feel like they are looking at me like I am one of those girls on MTVs "Teen Mom". Crazy huh!?
So, all of that being said, I am excited for this next year. Who knows what it will bring! I am still working on that whole thing of what I would like to accomplish and I did set one pretty big goal for my 29th year. I want to research furthering my education and have a plan by the end of this year. I don't know what that might entail, but I am going to figure it out. Happy Birthday to me!
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